Craft a Legendary Window Frame Mesh Lid
Intended for all Aquariums πͺΈπ±

Step 1: Measure the length and width of the location you want to put the lid on.
Step 2: Calculate the length of the aluminum frame you'll need by subtracting the length of the square-cut plastic corner (see Reference 1: from the length of the location you want to put the lid on.
Step 3: Calculate the width of the aluminum frame you'll need by subtracting the width of the square-cut plastic corner (see Reference 1) from the width of the location you want to put the lid on.
Reference 1: Square-Cut Corner
Step 2: Calculate the length of the aluminum frame you'll need by subtracting the length of the square-cut plastic corner (see Reference 1: from the length of the location you want to put the lid on.
Step 3: Calculate the width of the aluminum frame you'll need by subtracting the width of the square-cut plastic corner (see Reference 1) from the width of the location you want to put the lid on.

Step 4: Cut 2 pieces of the aluminum frame to the calculated length from Step 2.
Step 5: Cut 2 pieces of the aluminum frame to the calculated width from Step 3.
Step 6: Assemble the lid's frame by inserting the cut aluminum pieces into the square-cut plastic corners (Reference 1). If you want to change the color of the frame then you'll want to spray paint it at this step and make sure it is completely dry / without smell before placing on your aquarium.
Step 5: Cut 2 pieces of the aluminum frame to the calculated width from Step 3.
Step 6: Assemble the lid's frame by inserting the cut aluminum pieces into the square-cut plastic corners (Reference 1). If you want to change the color of the frame then you'll want to spray paint it at this step and make sure it is completely dry / without smell before placing on your aquarium.

Step 7: Turn the frame upsidedown to reveal the spline channel.
Step 8: Drape the mesh netting over the frame and try to pull it taut.
Step 9: Start at a corner and place the nylon spline in the channel and use the splining tool to force it into the channel. Make sure to pull the mesh taut as you use the spline tool so the lid is snug.
Step 8: Drape the mesh netting over the frame and try to pull it taut.
Step 9: Start at a corner and place the nylon spline in the channel and use the splining tool to force it into the channel. Make sure to pull the mesh taut as you use the spline tool so the lid is snug.

Step 10: Remove the excess mesh with a utility knife. I like to put the blade above the spline but in the channel when cutting (see below).

Step 11: Admire your new lid!